Paw-ty Train Tips and Tricks!
Though puppies are the cutest thing in the world, they can be a bit of a challenge to take care of. It takes time for them to develop their brains and have them learn certain boundaries that you’d be in favor of, hence why it’s your responsibility to guide them into right doings (unless of course, you find scattered dog poop and urine all over your beloved home appealing). In case you’re in need of help, below are a few pointers on how you can start with potty training your furry friend!
1.) Confinement plays a huge role when it comes to training. Dogs don’t tend to drop waste on their sleeping space, so be sure that the crate you’ll be building is large enough for your dog play around in and select certain corners. Be cautious when it comes to placing any mats or towel on the ground since it is highly likely that it’ll just get destroyed.
2.) Keywords every time you take your dog out for a walk is crucial. By being repetitive and saying certain words like “OUTSIDE” can signal them to prepare and doing their business during your cruise around. Having a leash and making sure they won’t get distracted is also helpful so that they’ll be aware to keep close and be reminded to do what they’re told.
3.) To keep your pup mindful of their daily duties, be sure to reward them after every accomplishment. By doing so, they’ll be motivated to impress you every time regarding the lesson you taught them! It will also refrain them from ever disappointing you knowing that they’ll only be punished by not earning their usual treats.
Photo Credit: http://www.